Monday, May 30, 2011
May 30 - Home for the Range
Have a nice chat with Sorrel, who is in Southern California for a short vacation, but alas, duties call, and we must remain north (although the weather throughout the state has been fairly middling, so, no matter on that account -- but also missing seeing John and family, and others), to lay groundwork for semester grades, plus the usual suspicious roster of activities, including 21st-Century Music work, composition of page 2 Psalm 58, transferring works through the Pied Piper Suite (Op. 132) from PC to MacBook via email, pdf'ing first movement of Book ("Prehistoric Atlas") (Op. 15), with another clip (the 22nd) added to the ongoing Camino Real: Block 9 video.
Also spend some time with Harriet taking up again the planning of a production for The Countess Cathleen, orchestrating page 1. Plus, third run (first at night) to the Big Box, continuing to be impressed by prices and relative diversity of offerings.