Sunday, May 15, 2011
May 15 - A Semi-Wilderness of the Mind
What is this? Rain this late in the season? Not typical, but not beyond possible... The sun comes out intermittently, anyway, and a good day for staying home and doing the next video clip (9) for the audio-visual version of Camino Real: Block 9 (Op. 110), finishing the pdf of
Nocturnes for Insomniacs (Op. 10) and uploading same to
The International Music Score Library Project
(learning how to include a thumbnail of the cover), transferring Antigone (Op. 88) from PC to Mac, and beginning the composition of Psalm 56 (part of Op. 187) -- by this time, the sun shining strikingly through the billowing nimbocumuli.
Night, realizing that the two old external hard drives (roughly 250 and 320 GB) can certainly be used in lieu of the now defunct 500 (the light, while on, no longer blinks, and the Mac does not register its presence, so assume it has expired... very grateful that it lasted through the transference to the 1 TB machine yesterday). Back up all the documents and photos now on the smaller drive, and will do music (also on the 250) and videos (on the other) soon.
Also begin to write up the press release for the San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra June 2011 show.