Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21 - Loaves, Jugs, Thou's

Assist Harriet in

selecting (on a jury-rigged stereo of laptop and double-stacked amplifier), editing (via GarageBand), and video'izing (thanks to iMovie) a mix of Kurt Weill songs for project-in-progress.

We also make our way to the gym and spa,

via bicycle in the setting sun, and find time to do the daily tasks, today as

Beginning composition of Psalm 57 (Op. 187, No. 17) (altering King David: IX)
Creating a pdf re Four Processions (Op. 12): III
Transferring The Bald Soprano (Op. 94) from PC to Mac
Uploading a 15th clip to the ongoing Camino Real: Block 9 (Op. 110) video