Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17 - Change


CLOV (as before): . . . Then one day, suddenly, it ends, it changes . . .


Out the door like a Samuel Beckettian bum (OK, quote above is from Endgame, rather than Waiting for Godot), with beautiful clouds anouncing melancholic transformations, nonetheless On! (that's Godot) for

Quiz 13 with the Theoreticians -- Figured Bass, with "good" voice-leading -- old concepts featuring relatively newer musical examples from the works of Philip Glass, Roger Waters, and John Williams.  After assisting again in the "chess-master" fashion of alternately dealing with various student challenges,







meteorologically-deteriorating conductions (touching base with Harriet before she heads off to rehearsal) to compose pages 51 and 5 of The Cop and the Anthem and Psalm 80, plus pdf of Mary Variations: XI. Mary and the Wolf.  Also do more of the Performance: Analysis, Keyboard, Solfege update and start dealing with the St. Francis recording -- midi's have arrived compromised, plus, now interested in receiving .xml versions of same.