Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16 - Bright Lights

Page 4 of Psalm 43 ("Judge Me") and off to

Diablo Valley College for the last day of Theory, with exam-wrap-up and excellent original compositions by

Ian Acredolo, Daniel Alegria,

Michael Falgien and

Justin Valdez, Jeremy Harman,

Aaron Hoffman,

Samantha Huqueriza,

Tyler Kendrick,

Sarah Levy, Anna Logiman, Alison Li, Joe McKinley, Zach McNeil,

Michael Sharp and Shelly Yon,

Carlos Silva and

Haley Toupin,

Adrian Thompson,

Xavier Travis,

and Lanaudia Woodfork -- plus group-performance of San Fernando Hub: I. Fresno.  Fantastic class that will be very much missed!





Marin for paper organization and grading at Celia's,

errands and postbox run,

and return to produce a video for

Diabolic Variations: Thema (Sorta).