Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16 - Tunnel at the End of the Night

Write up the Leonard Bernstein / Nathaniel Stookey / Opera Choruses Marin Symphony concert from last night ( etc.), and gray out the door to Diablo for a shining Charles Ives Variations on America: Spanish Variation dictation / keyboard-solfege / board harmony -- followed by a decent presentation and review of F Minor (Natural and Harmonic), Ab and Db Major the C Chromatic Scale, and C Triads, plus first-rate student compositions.  Head down to the Apple Store for the third time in a week, now to see if they can fix the errant iPod, and they can and do... even pleasantly!  Back to DVC, it's time to finish up composing Psalm 49 and recording same with the Tritone Orchestra, taking a break for coffee with Doug.  Check in with Owen, and apparently the New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday orchestration went well in its first rehearsal with the Diablo Valley College Philharmonic Orchestra.  Check in with Mark Steidel, and there may be changes ahead.

Homeward in the


surreality, now it's iMovie's time to express what is evidently a known glitch: in going into full screen mode, film clips whose original sound has been lowered are suddenly audible in fortissimo bursts in a seemingly random fashion (something not evident in the standard window.  When "sharing" or mixing down into a final-output .mov file, this randomness continues, impacting the sonic intention.  There seems to be no fix for now other than a painfully slow one... taking the individual clips, silencing them, outputting them as separate little files, then re-importing.  While such has never occurred before, on the other hand, we have never undertaken a video project as ambitious as the Camino Real one -- 25 original video clips in intuitive repeating arrays.  Will be lucky to produce 15 seconds of new product a day, instead of a minute.  So sure enough, put us down for almost a John Cageian 4'15" re Block 2.