Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15 - Voices that Are High

With all the late nights, it's all one can do to get up and drive under the sun-pierced sky before Diablo and a straightforward dictation / board-harmony of Giuseppe Verdi's Aida: Triumphal March, with a few scales (Bb and Db), chords (Aug, Maj, Min, Dim), and wonderful student compositions thrown in for good measure.  In the lab afterwards at a desktop PC, attempting to brush up on the non-intuitive Finale, but it's so opaque that even opening up a custom full score seems problematic, and when trying to import Encore (which the program says it can do) the entire computer crashes... twice!  In talking with Doug Michael and Mark Steidel however, it seems a a strong possibility that the misbehaving Encore program on the MacBook may be a laptop issue -- a few judicious adjustments are attempted, and it's time to head home to Harriet, calling the Encore people long distance one last time; and, low and behold, John Miller answers and is very helpful.  In that minute, all thoughts are abandoned (at least for now, again) of making any rash transition in writing....  Of course, when talking to John, everything works fine (like the ailing car you take to the shop that suddenly runs fine), so off we go composing page 8 of Psalm 47.  Little time to look over Music History papers before returning to a brief discussion of the abbreviated Baroque, at least through early J.S. Bach with

thoughts turning classical next week.  The Quick Music Professor Jumps Over the Endless Roadways to Marin to take in part of a dynamic Marin Symphony Concert -- full report over at 21st-centurymusic.blogspot.com and eventually at 21st-centurymusic.com and in print.  Home for the sixth minute of Camino Real: Block 2 video.