Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March 9 - Tabula Diabolica
Do parts for New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday: I. New with a major glitch, being that files are crashing when renaming in Encore. Several workarounds are tried:
Saving as Midi (yes)
Opening File or Midi in old Encore (no)
Opening Midi in new Encore (yes, but this will mean a lot of extra work)
Opening Midi in Sibelius (yes, but unable to save files, due to some other inexplicable situation)
Renaming Part in Finder, then opening in Encore (yes, but a bit of extra work)
Renaming Score in Finder, opening in Encore, and proceeding as always (yes!)
Definitely time to go to Diablo Valley College, for Franz Xaver Gruber's Silent Night as Dictation / Board-Harmony, YouTube videos of Diabolic Variations: Thema and I-III, and continuation of engaging student compositions of Round 2. But there is another challenge: MacBook cord going south again, with another short,
south again on a short run to the Apple Store to pick up another pricey one, but making an appointment for Monday to perhaps get the item replaced free of charge. After this, it's back to the DVC Music Lab, seemingly for the first extended time in more than a month to record Psalm 46, through the beginning of 49.
weather, then out with Harriet to local seafood emporium, compliments of Bette and George, congratulating H on her remarkable recovery. Other evening's endeavors include composition of page 4 Psalm 49 and video for
Camino Real: Block 1. Also do third draft of the Andrew Shapiro article for Grove American.