Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22 - Never the Same, Always Another
Write up the beginning of the Rob Kapilow interview for Commuter Times (this Friday) and 21st-Century Music (immediately at 21st-centurymusic.blogspot.com and eventually at 21st-centurymusic.com) and make the transit to
Contra Costa where
snow still impressively lingers on Mt. Diablo,
on a beautiful California winter/spring day. Big week in Theory with three days of material to cover in two, beginning with Letter Names and Roman Numerals in Major, with dictation, keyboard-solfege, and board harmony on Louis Bourgeois's Old Hundredth. Amazingly, still a bit of time left for inventive student compositions,
returning to Harriet mid-afternoon, grading Music Literature papers, and
retracing steps to the evening class, with music from the Crusades to various spins on the Medieval Trotto and Saltarello (including that of Corvus Corax) -- with a jump ahead to the Guillaume de Machaut Messe de Nostre Dame. Second time homebound, and how is it possible to compose page 16 of Psalm 47, orchestrate the next double-sided sheet (21) of New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday, and do a video for
Salome Suite: III. The Execution?